Coburg High School

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Coburg High is located on Wurundjeri land in Melbourne's Northern suburbs close to Merri Creek on a large site featuring stands of mature gum trees.

RDLA were engaged in 2022 to a develop an initial campus Landscape Masterplan working closely with the appointed Project Architects, Bryant Alsop. The masterplan considered opportunities to improve site circulation and connectivity with the introduction of a number of potential new buildings.  The school has a large cohort and the existing site grounds are expansive and in some parts in need of upgrade.  The masterplan identified key opportunities for new landscape spaces including a significant courtyard which created with the introduction of a new Technology Hub.

Following allocation of funding by the VSBA, the project progressed with the proposed Technology Hub building and associated courtyard. Throughout 2024 RDLA worked closely with the Architects and consultant team to develop the scheme through Schematic Design, Design Development and Tender Documentation including consultation with key stakeholders.

The proposed courtyard presents a unique opportunity afforded by the existing mature Spotted Gum trees and our design response sought to retain and integrate these into the design as a priority.  The result is a gently flowing courtyard and circulation space with seating, open lawn and paving arranged in sweeping curved forms echoing the nearby Merri Creek.   Significant effort and care has been made to retain the large existing trees while maintaining sufficient areas for what will become a busy circulation and recreation space in the campus linking key buildings and the entry carpark.  Open lawn embankments, a simple but successful setting present on the existing site,  have been retained in the design along with new plantings of native and indigenous grasses and groundcover species.

Construction works are currently underway and the project is due for completion in 2025.